Monday 18 June 2012

Episode 1 : Damsel In Distress

What had promised Sara to be a challenging, virtue of which, an exciting course of education after a book-soaked high school, had turned out a dampener. This, she realized after sweat-shopping 2 odd years in it. The subjects of her interests were defeated by the ones she disliked by 2:8. Meanwhile, her internships were equally upsetting. Beating the sun to rise and losing to it to set was the routine.

Sara, however, was the ‘I am proudly nerd-thank you’ classmate who was more passionate about the front row seat of the class than for features her smart phone offered. Studying came easy to her, thankfully. So with love or with hate, she was determined to get through her final year successfully. After all, it was her never-to-expire passport to a white collar job, money, perennial supply of mouth-watering delicacies, GUCCI and Prada. 
She wasn't passionate but giving up, after coming this close to the finish line was like boys outperforming girls in the public exams, or in short - unlikely to happen.

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